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Free Speech Pathology Software

Elevate your standard of stuttering care

SpeechFit makes it easy to collect stuttering severity measurements, practice fluency cycles, integrate exercises, and share progress with you.

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Help your clients focus on making progress, not on process

Onboard to treatment programs in one click

No more lengthy setup procedures. Begin your client's therapeutic journey with pre-configured templates for the CamperdownLidcombeOakville, or Westmead programs. Tailor as you go!

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Start with templates

4 clinically-approved program templates to start from. 1 click to set up.

Build with blocks

Delete, add or change components as required using drag and drop.

Configure to perfection

Need to make changes? Configure each component until it’s perfect.

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Rate with confidence using customizable, program-compliant scales

Offer your clients an intuitive experience with large, touch-optimized rating scales. With simple customization options, you can add tailored instructions to each rater—ensuring accurate and actionable data collection.

audio annotation and recording

Simplify audio sample collection and analysis

Streamline the way you receive audio samples from clients with easy upload and recording options. Utilise an intuitive drag-and-click feature to highlight specific portions and annotate them effortlessly. This interactive approach transforms audio sample review into a collaborative and enriching experience for both clinician and client.

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Stay in sync with real-time updates during telehealth

Say goodbye to misunderstandings during telehealth sessions. SpeechFit’s real-time sync ensures you and your clients are always on the same page, making remote collaboration efficient and effective.

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Share session notes for long-lasting impact

Extend the benefits of each therapy session with shareable session notes. Both you and your clients can access and edit these notes, which include homework, discussion topics, and more, all within a single platform.

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Track and celebrate progress with in-depth insights

Turn data into victories with visually captivating charts that measure progress and consistency. These insights not only celebrate small wins but can guide your therapeutic strategy.

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Integrate multimedia exercises into any program

Use our straightforward markdown editor to easily incorporate written, video, and image exercises into your client's daily routine. Keeping clients engaged has never been easier.

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Give yourself and your clients freedom to adapt

SpeechFit is built on the premise that our needs change as we grow, and we shouldn't be bound by technology. Programs are completely customisable using drag and drop and contain granular controls, down to cycle-specific rules like every 3rd cycle is a training model cycle.

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Monitor all clients from one unified dashboard

Keeping track of multiple clients shouldn't feel like juggling. SpeechFit combines convenience and flexibility, allowing you to keep track of all your clients in one intuitive interface while they are free to adapt their programs to their needs.

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100% free for speechies

No Upgrades Required. No Hidden Fees.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to everything you need to know about SpeechFit.

SpeechFit is an app that helps speech therapy clients and clinicians manage therapy. It's completely customisable with drag and drop so clients can tailor it to their own needs and includes 4 templates, as well as a bunch of features tailor-made for speech therapy like audio annotation.

SpeechFit has all of the features that clients need to succeed in speech therapy. Additionally, we've designed it to give you control over how much control your clients have, be 100% free for clinicians, and allow clients to make their own adaptations. Clients pay a small monthly fee depending on the features they need. You will also notice that the free plan contains 31 free entries - one for each day, so many of your clients will be able to keep daily measurements each day for free. We think this configuration will give clients the best chance of succeeding, and when they win, you win!

SpeechFit is 100% free for clinicians. We want you to use it to help your clients. Even though clients on the free plan can't access premium features such as annotated audio, they can access any annotated recordings that you create during session.

Clients who want premium features such as audio annotation and live recordings pay a small monthly fee.

SpeechFit is protected by bank-grade security, industry-standard encryption, and a number of cultural and technical initiatives to keep you and your clients safe. You can learn more about this on our security page.

We would LOVE to hear from you! If you have any tips, suggestions, or any other feedback that you think we should hear, please go to our contact page and get in touch with us using the form. We'd really appreciate it.

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Fast. Easy. Secure. No Upgrade Required.

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