Auditory Cortex
Published: Jul 17, 2023
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Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Written by Oseh Mathias
Founder, SpeechFit
The auditory cortex is the part of the temporal lobe that processes auditory information in humans and other vertebrates[1]. It is located on the superior temporal plane, deep within the lateral sulcus (the fissure separating the frontal and temporal lobes)[2], and is often divided into two primary regions: the primary auditory cortex (also known as A1) and the secondary auditory cortex (A2)[3]. However, this division varies among different species and some classifications in humans also include other regions, which reflect a more nuanced understanding of auditory processing[4].
The primary auditory cortex (A1) is the first region that processes auditory information, receiving input directly from the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus[6]. It's crucial for basic properties of sound such as pitch, volume, and spatial location[7]. A1 contains a tonotopic map where neurons respond selectively to different frequencies of sound, much like how the visual cortex has a retinotopic map[8].
The secondary auditory cortex (A2), as well as the additional belt and parabelt regions, receive inputs from A1 and are believed to further process auditory information for more complex attributes, such as pattern and rhythm recognition[9]. These areas are also key for auditory scene analysis, which allows us to make sense of complex soundscapes, such as distinguishing individual voices in a crowded room or interpreting the emotional content of a piece of music[10].
Beyond this, the auditory cortex is heavily involved in cross-modal processing. It communicates with other areas of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex for decision making and memory processes, or the motor cortex for actions in response to sound[11]. Damage to the auditory cortex can lead to central hearing loss or auditory agnosia, where sounds can be heard but not recognized[12].

Oseh is a software engineer, entrepreneur and founder of SpeechFit. Oseh is passionate about improving health and wellbeing outcomes for neurodiverse people and healthcare providers alike.
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