Published: Jul 17, 2023
Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Written by Oseh Mathias
Founder, SpeechFit
Oligodendrocytes are specialized types of glial cells in the central nervous system that serve critical roles in neuronal function and health[1]. They were originally classified as a subtype of neuroglia, alongside astrocytes and microglia. Derived from the Greek word for "glue," glia were once thought to merely provide structural support for neurons. However, subsequent research has unveiled a myriad of additional essential functions.
Their most well-known function is the generation of myelin, a fatty, insulating substance that ensheathes the axons of neurons. This myelin sheath increases the speed of electrical signal transmission (action potentials) along the axon through a process known as saltatory conduction, where the electrical impulses effectively "jump" between gaps in the myelin sheath called nodes of Ranvier[2]. This process vastly enhances the speed and efficiency of neural communication.

The process of myelin synthesis, or myelination, involves extensive biosynthesis and transport of lipids and proteins, ultimately resulting in the wrapping of multiple concentric layers of plasma membrane around the axon. Each oligodendrocyte can extend its processes to myelinate up to 50 axons simultaneously, a testament to the cell's intricate and efficient design[4].
Oligodendrocytes originate from a specialized type of precursor cell known as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). These OPCs are products of a complex developmental lineage that begins with neural stem cells in the embryonic neural tube. Under the influence of a finely tuned cascade of transcription factors, morphogens, and signaling pathways, these neural stem cells differentiate into multipotent neural progenitor cells, and subsequently into OPCs[5].

Once OPCs have been generated, they migrate to their final destinations in the developing central nervous system where they mature into oligodendrocytes. This maturation process involves a series of well-coordinated steps, including the downregulation of OPC markers, the upregulation of mature oligodendrocyte markers, and the onset of myelin gene expression and myelin production[7].
Oligodendrocytes' functions extend beyond myelination. They also contribute to the maintenance of the overall health and integrity of neurons. For instance, oligodendrocytes deliver metabolic support to neurons by supplying them with lactate, a crucial energy substrate. They also participate in the formation and maintenance of nodes of Ranvier and contribute to the regulation of the extracellular ion balance in the central nervous system[8].
Recent studies suggest that oligodendrocytes might also play a role in information processing and storage, highlighting the complexity and versatility of these cells[9]. Oligodendrocytes, despite their humble reputation as the 'glue' of the nervous system, emerge as key players in the orchestration of neuronal function and neural network dynamics.

Oseh is a software engineer, entrepreneur and founder of SpeechFit. Oseh is passionate about improving health and wellbeing outcomes for neurodiverse people and healthcare providers alike.
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