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2 min read


Published: Jul 18, 2023
Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Written by Oseh Mathias

Founder, SpeechFit

Ventral is a term used in anatomical nomenclature that refers to the "front" or "belly side" of an organism or structure. The term derives from "venter", the Latin word for belly.

In neuroscience and neuroanatomy, ventral refers to the direction towards the bottom or the front of the brain, depending on the context. For instance, in the context of the cerebrum and cerebellum, "ventral" typically refers to the direction toward the bottom of the brain. However, in terms of the brainstem and spinal cord, "ventral" usually refers to the direction toward the front.

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This is in contrast to "dorsal", which refers to the direction towards the back or top of the brain or spinal cord. The terms ventral and dorsal are typically used instead of anterior and posterior, respectively, when referring to parts of the brain, to avoid confusion given the bend in the neural axis in bipedal organisms.

The ventral side of the brain contains several critical structures, such as the ventral tegmental area (VTA) which is associated with reward circuitry and the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in decision-making and emotional processing.

Please note that this terminology could differ in animals with different body orientations. For instance, in animals with a horizontal body orientation like a dog or rat, the terms ventral and dorsal still refer to the belly side and back side, respectively, but given their body orientation, "ventral" would be what we consider the "bottom" and "dorsal" the "top".


Oseh Mathias

SpeechFit Founder

Oseh is passionate about improving health and wellbeing outcomes for neurodiverse people and healthcare providers alike.